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Digital fit notes

GPs have largely moved to virtual consultations since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. That has increased the demand for digital fit notes. From 6th April 2022, doctors will no longer have to sign in ink. They will be able to issue fit notes digitally. New regulations prescribe a new form of the fit note,…

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P&O Ferries

P&O’s decision to dismiss 800 people through a three-minute pre-recorded message not only betrayed a lack of compassion but, at first glance, appears to ride roughshod over the protections afforded to UK employees at risk of redundancy. P&O seems to be pinning its hopes upon legislative exemptions that apply to mariners. But what happens to…

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Can you prevent an asymptomatic employee from attending work if they test positive for coronavirus?

The legal requirement for people who test positive for coronavirus (Covid-19) to self-isolate was removed in England on 24th February 2022. Yet, as an employer, you must still comply with your legal obligations to protect the health and safety of your employees and others. The requirement to self-isolate after testing positive remains in place in…

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Care sector employers planning to maintain Covid-19 restrictions

The legal requirement to self-isolate for those who test positive for Covid-19 and unvaccinated close contacts of positive cases is expected to end in England by 24th March 2022 or sooner. However, to protect residents and to minimise transmission to other staff, employers in the care home sector reportedly intend to continue to require workers…

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New guidance on flexible working

Usefully, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (‘CIPD’) has published practical guidance on hybrid working. CIPD: Hybrid Working Practical Guidance (3 December 2021) The guidance suggests that you: define hybrid working in your business consider your strategic goals decide how to effectively recruit and manage hybrid workers ensure that your hybrid working policies and…

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