Flexible working: new Acas guidance to support changes from 6th April 2024

Flexible working: new Acas guidance to support changes from 6th April 2024

On 6th April 2024, when changes to the statutory right to request flexible working came into force, Acas published new guidance which provides practical examples for employers and employees on flexible working requests. What does it say? Benefits of flexible working Flexible working can benefit both employees and employers. For employees, it can help: balance…

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Government’s Inclusion at Work Panel (The Panel) publishes its first report

The recommendations for improving diversity and inclusion (D&I) practices in the workplace include: Framework The Government endorses a new framework that sets out criteria employers might apply to their D&I practice, embedding effectiveness and value for money.  The framework should act as a set of conditions and expectations employers should strive to meet to embed…

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Manchester United sued for data breach following disclosure of employee pay information

Manchester United is currently facing legal action owing to a data breach that occurred in 2018. The breach involved accidentally transmitting a file containing personal information, including names, addresses, earnings details, and national insurance numbers, of 167 employees to a casual catering and hospitality staff group.  The affected employees are now seeking compensation and are…

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Boots to stop hybrid working

Boots has decided to end its hybrid working policy and require all office employees to work full-time in the office. Previously, employees were allowed to work remotely two days a week but starting on 1st September 2024 they will be expected to be in the office daily.  Boots UK’s Managing Director, Seb James, believes this…

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New Equality laws?

The Labour Party has announced that it will propose significant changes to discrimination laws if it wins the next general election.  While the exact wording of the proposed legislation has not been published, several press publications have indicated what it may include. Extend equal pay Extend equal pay protections under the Equality Act 2010 to…

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Menopause guidance for employers

On 22nd February 2024, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) published employer guidance on menopause in the workplace. The guidance explains: Menopause and perimenopause Menopause is when a woman’s periods stop owing to lower hormone levels. It usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, but can be earlier or later. It can…

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£470,000 awarded to employee sacked for using the ‘N-word’

An employment tribunal (‘ET’) decided at a liability hearing that a manager, Mr Borg-Neal, who used an offensive racial term in a race awareness training session, was unfairly dismissed and subjected to discrimination because of something arising from his disability (dyslexia).  We discussed the reasons for the decision and what we can learn from it…

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How is holiday pay changing?

The way holiday pay is calculated changed in England, Wales and Scotland on 1st January 2024 under the draft Employment Rights (Amendment Revocation and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 (the Regulations).  So, what is changing? Unlawful deductions from wages claims Workers will continue to receive four weeks of holiday at ‘normal’ pay (referred to as Annual Leave)…

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