The National Living Wage will rise from £8.91 to £9.50

World Menopause Day

World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. How can you support employees experiencing menopause? Support and encourage Promote a supportive environment so your employees feel able to talk openly…

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Making flexible working the default

The government is consulting whether employees should have the statutory right to request flexible working from day one. Currently at least 26 weeks’ continuous employment is required to ask to work flexibly. The government believes this causes employers and employees to view working flexibly as a ‘perk’. It will also consider: Whether the existing eight…

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Carers’ unpaid leave

The government has confirmed, following a consultation last year, that it will give employees who are also unpaid carers the right to one week’s unpaid leave per year from their first day of employment. The leave will be available to take flexibly, from half a day to a whole week. The notice period for taking…

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Preventing sexual harassment

The government has finally responded to the consultation that it began in February 2019. It has ended where it started and plans to stand by its original proposals following the #MeToo campaign. The plan has four pillars It will introduce a new duty for employers to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace ‘as soon as…

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Mandatory vaccinations in care homes: 16 weeks and counting

We mentioned in our last newsletter that, subject to certain exemptions, the government planned to require all care home workers to be vaccinated against Covid-19. That regulation was still in draft form and subject to parliamentary approval. We can now report that the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021,…

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