Government’s Inclusion at Work Panel (The Panel) publishes its first report

The recommendations for improving diversity and inclusion (D&I) practices in the workplace include: Framework The Government endorses a new framework that sets out criteria employers might apply to their D&I practice, embedding effectiveness and value for money.  The framework should act as a set of conditions and expectations employers should strive to meet to embed…

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Manchester United sued for data breach following disclosure of employee pay information

Manchester United is currently facing legal action owing to a data breach that occurred in 2018. The breach involved accidentally transmitting a file containing personal information, including names, addresses, earnings details, and national insurance numbers, of 167 employees to a casual catering and hospitality staff group.  The affected employees are now seeking compensation and are…

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New Equality laws?

The Labour Party has announced that it will propose significant changes to discrimination laws if it wins the next general election.  While the exact wording of the proposed legislation has not been published, several press publications have indicated what it may include. Extend equal pay Extend equal pay protections under the Equality Act 2010 to…

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Seven ways to create a neuroinclusive business

On 20th February 2024, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) published a guide on neuroinclusion at work.  Here are its key principles: Principle one: Understand where you are now and commit to a long-term action plan. Regardless of your organisation’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), there may be some way to…

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Will Employment Tribunal fees return before Christmas?

On 29th January 2024, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) launched a consultation on re-introducing fees for employment tribunal claims and appeals to the EAT. What happened last time? Employment Tribunal (ET) fees were introduced in July 2013.  Type A claims (simpler disputes such as unpaid holiday pay) attracted a total cost of £390, and Type…

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New employment legislation to come into effect on 6th April 2024

Paternity leave changes The main changes to statutory paternity leave are: New flexibility is being introduced, allowing employees to take two separate one-week blocks of leave rather than having to take a single period of one or two weeks’ paternity leave. Employees will be entitled to take paternity leave at any time in the first…

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£470,000 awarded to employee sacked for using the ‘N-word’

An employment tribunal (‘ET’) decided at a liability hearing that a manager, Mr Borg-Neal, who used an offensive racial term in a race awareness training session, was unfairly dismissed and subjected to discrimination because of something arising from his disability (dyslexia).  We discussed the reasons for the decision and what we can learn from it…

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How is holiday pay changing?

The way holiday pay is calculated changed in England, Wales and Scotland on 1st January 2024 under the draft Employment Rights (Amendment Revocation and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 (the Regulations).  So, what is changing? Unlawful deductions from wages claims Workers will continue to receive four weeks of holiday at ‘normal’ pay (referred to as Annual Leave)…

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